Renowned supplier of industrial cooling and air conditioning systems- we are part of the STROJOBAL, a.s. company  STROJOBAL
Our Services
Bohemiachlad, spol. s r.o., provides service and inspection of equipment supplied by the implementation company Bohemiachlad Praha, s.r.o. We specialize in ammonia cooling, which is environmentally friendly. Its use solves current and future problems of CFC refrigeration operators, which are associated with legislative measures against ozone depletion and subsequent global warming. We provide all services […]
Besides the deliveries and assembly we provide the following: comprehensive service and check of operation of the cooling equipment compressor and condensing units pumps and heat pumps deliveries of spare parts and repairs of cooling equipment,compressor and condensing units we perform calibration of the operating detection and emergency sensors and fire dampers we specialise in […]
Act No. 22/1997 Coll. as amended, regulates the method of setting technical requirements for products that could endanger the health or safety of persons, property or the environment. As a supplier of these devices, we have the right and obligation to issue the relevant certificates during their commissioning, which certify that the product or reusable […]
The company Bohemiachlad, spol. s r.o., Prague, based on the customer requirements, performs all activities associated with the installation of technological equipment, including other comprehensive services. Overview of main activities: Installation of cooling circuits and air conditioning Automatic control and monitoring of technological processes A wide range of warranty and post-warranty service activities Review of […]
The company Bohemiachlad, spol. s r.o., Prague, is part of a specialized group of companies grouped under the parent companyStrojobal, a.s. In the past, famous renowned manufacturers of food machines operated in Czechoslovakia under the name Strojobal, n.p., Hradec Králové. We are currently continuing this activity in the industrial refrigeration sector. The company Strojobal, a.s., […]
We are an established company with high expertise
full time employees
1000 +
completed projects
years on the market