
Renowned supplier of industrial cooling and air conditioning systems
- we are part of the STROJOBAL, a.s. company  STROJOBAL 

Further Development of the Company

The base of the company’s success is the team of experienced professionals with long term practice, who cooperate with many specialised workplaces and companies based on outsourcing. For further development of the company there is a big opportunity for coming of new specialists, both beginners, who have opportunity to learn this highly specialised profession in practice, and for technicians with secondary or university education, who can gain further practice in this field in this way.

To strengthen our team first of all we are looking for the following professions:

  • designers
  • mechanical engineers
  • pipe fitters
  • welders
  • implementation specialists
  • service technicians

and further technicians, were able to travel the whole of Central Europe, language skills are welcome.

Pivovar Ostravar modernizoval své nejpřísněji střežené zařízení – spilku (CZ)

Ostravský pivovar v těchto dnech modernizuje spilku, jednu z nejdůležitějších částí svého pivovaru. „Zatímco varna představuje srdce pivovaru, na spilce se z mladiny vyrobené na varně stává alkoholický nápoj, což je v procesu výroby piva samozřejmě klíčový okamžik,“ podtrhuje význam investice vrchní sládek pivovaru Ostravar Richard Kornas. Celá modernizace spilky, která bude dokončena v březnu, […]

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Napsali o nás v magazínu Czech Business & Trade (EN)

Bohemiachlad – Partner to Demanding Clients Seeking the Best in the Area of Cooling Devices Bohemiachlad, s.r.o., Praha, a purely Czech company, which has been in the market for more than 20 years, offers designs, projects, deliveries, and realisation of cooling equipment targeted to energy savings and minimization of the use of coolants. “We offer […]

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Refrigerants: Managing with Carbon Dioxide & Ammonia (EN)

The dairy industry relies on progressive solutions involving carbon dioxide, and ammonia in a bid to combat climate change. By Dr. Karin Jahn Managing Director, eurammon IN February 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presented its climate report. This report predicts that the mean global temperature of the lower atmosphere will rise by […]

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We are an established company with high expertise


full time employees

1000 +

completed projects


years on the market